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Newton Bible Christian School
Helping Families Make Disciples of Christ

School Starts at 8:30 a.m.

School Dismisses at 3:30 p.m.


Newton Bible Christian School

900 Old Main St

Newton, KS 67114

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Celebrating God’s Faithfulness: 50 Years of Stones, Part II

Celebrating God’s Faithfulness: 50 Years of Stones, Part II

What could be sweeter than this? Throughout this year, 2023, Hershey Chocolate World is celebrating its 50th anniversary. According to their website, so many people regularly wanted to tour the Hershey chocolate factory, that in 1973, the company opened Hershey Chocolate World as a way to allow people to see the process of making Hershey chocolate without crowding its factory. Hershey Chocolate World not only features a ride introducing people to Hershey’s chocolate, it is also home to the largest chocolate store in the world! Milton Hershey’s chocolate confections could be life-changing, for sure, but at NBCS we are celebrating 50 years of something better.

For 50 years, God has allowed lives to be changed for eternity. There is a cute saying that circulates among educators that “2 teach is 2 touch a life 4ever.” The truth is that to teach truth is to touch lives forever. It is the Word of God that changes people. This year as we celebrate 50 years of NBCS, we are celebrating God’s faithfulness in allowing NBCS to share truth with students and their families.

It is fun to reconnect with the past and look at old pictures, and many look forward to hearing J.J. Jasper speak, but the most important thing we will do on April 28 is recognize what God has done. Because He has faithfully provided, we exist. NBCS serves because God wants our doors to be open to students and their families. Talk to anyone who has been on the inside of this ministry, and you will get the same story from them: without God’s faithfulness, we would not exist. At previous decade celebrations, the theme was the same, God’s faithfulness. I thought that for fifty years we should choose to talk about something else, but here it is again. The foundation stone of what we are celebrating at fifty years remains the faithfulness of God to Newton Bible Christian School.

Psalm 115:1 Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to your name give glory, for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness!