Times & Directions Give

Newton Bible Christian School
Helping Families Make Disciples of Christ

School Starts at 8:30 a.m.

School Dismisses at 3:30 p.m.


Newton Bible Christian School

900 Old Main St

Newton, KS 67114

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NBCS Memo - May 2




Where? Newton High School Track. Drop off and pick up there!

Who? All Pre-K-8th Grade students (Parents are invited/encouraged to watch!)

When? All students must arrive by 9:00 a.m.
Pre-K-K students will dismiss at 12:00 and 1st-8th grade students will dismiss at 1:00 p.m.

What to bring? A sack lunch and water bottle (Pre-K and K students do not need to pack a lunch, unless they plan to stay with their parents to eat!)

What to wear? P.E. uniform (or shorts and t-shirt for younger students) & sunscreen or jacket if needed!

Directions to the Track? We will not meet at school. Please drop off and pick up at the Newton High School track. From 12th street, turn north onto Boyd street. Please park in the main high school parking lot and walk to the track. See below for further help on where to park. 

***Please note, if plans change due to weather, you will receive a text from your teacher and/or email from the school.***
Next Friday will showcase an array of colors at NBCS! Students may wear their tie dye apparel as we celebrate the final Friday of the school year! 
Our Kindergarten & 8th Grade Graduation is Tuesday, May 14th, at 7:00 p.m. 

5th-8th grade parents, please note that the band is performing that evening! Your students will need to be present for this performance.

Kindergarten and 8th grade students should arrive at 6:45 p.m. and go to their classroom to get ready. 5th-7th band students also need to arrive at 6:45 and go to the music room to warm-up.
We want to say a special welcome to all our new subscribers!

The NBCS weekly memo is a great place to keep up-to-date on school happenings. Stay tuned for 2024-25 details and announcements! We are so glad you are here! 
Mark your calendars - our last day of school is almost here! We will finish the year on Thursday, May 16th, with a noon dismissal.

Please note that Kindergarten and 8th grade students will finish on Tuesday, May 14th, with their graduation that evening! 
Pictures of the Week
We enjoyed recognizing recent student achievements in chapel this week!

All our Kindergarten-4th grade students participated in the FACT State Coloring and Poster Contest. Students above earned state recognition for their pictures and posters!

Students below competed in the MAACS Academic Categories. Brody placed 2nd in the 5th grade Mathematics category. Adelyn placed 2nd in the Elementary Creative Writing Competition, and Brooklyn placed 2nd in the Jr. High Poetry Creative Writing. We are proud of all these students! 
- - - Friday, May 3 - - -
Sports Day at NHS Track 9:00 a.m.

- - - Friday, May 10 - - -
Tie Dye Spirit Day

- - - Tuesday, May 14 - - -
Kindergarten & 8th Grade Graduation 

(Last Day of School for Kindergarten & 8th Grade)

- - - Thursday, May 16 - - -
Last Day of School - Noon Dismissal
NBCS Wear Day
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