Times & Directions Give

Newton Bible Christian School
Helping Families Make Disciples of Christ

School Starts at 8:30 a.m.

School Dismisses at 3:30 p.m.


Newton Bible Christian School

900 Old Main St

Newton, KS 67114

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NBCS Memo - March 22



We serve a risen Savior and get to celebrate that this next weekend! There will be no classes on Friday, March 29th. Enjoy your weekend of rejoicing in the empty tomb and living Lord! 
Our 11th Annual Eagle 5K is on Saturday, April 6! Whether you run, walk, or crawl, all are encouraged to join us in supporting NBCS in this way.

What do YOU need to do?

1. Register to Run/Walk - Please register by emailing Carissa at nbcs@newtonbible.org or clicking here. Register by THIS Monday, March 25th, to receive the discounted rate!

2. Ask for Sponsors - Students are encouraged to send sponsor letters to all their family and friends.  Raising a minimum of $15 will cover their race registration and t-shirt, but more will support our school!

3. Volunteer - We still need many volunteers! Would you like to serve as a "race watcher" along the route, bring snacks or drinks, or snap pictures of the racers? Click here to volunteer to help with this event. Thank you in advance for your help!
Mrs. Schanbacher is working on a special school project, and she needs your help!

Please bring a picture of your beloved family pet (one per family) to the school office this next week!

Make sure the picture doesn't include any people - we want to guess which furry friend belongs to each family! Pictures may be printed on photo paper or regular computer paper. 4x6 size is preferable. 
Everyone is invited to join us on April 11th at 7:00 p.m. as we celebrate all God is doing at NBCS this year!  Students will provide entertainment through choir and band performances, as well as class recitations and songs. 

Following the program, light refreshments will be served. Each family is asked to bring a sweet or salty snack to share.
Picture of the Week
Happy Friday from NBCS! We are thankful for another beautiful week full of outdoor recess times!

- - - Thursday, March 28 - - -
Moms in Prayer - 8:30 a.m.

- - - Friday, March 29 - - -
No School - Good Friday

- - - Saturday, April 6 - - -
Eagle 5K

- - - Thursday, April 11 - - -
Spring Showcase - 7:00 p.m.

- - - Friday, April 12 - - -
No School - Faculty Work Day
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