Times & Directions Give

Newton Bible Christian School
Helping Families Make Disciples of Christ

School Starts at 8:30 a.m.

School Dismisses at 3:30 p.m.


Newton Bible Christian School

900 Old Main St

Newton, KS 67114

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NBCS Memo - January 26



Thank you to the many who gave funds toward this effort! The students set a goal to raise $740. Because of your generosity,
we raised $1045! 
That is 1045 books for this school. Thank you!!
Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, February 15, from 2:00-7:00 p.m.  As we schedule these meetings, it would be helpful to hear from you. If there is a time that is not convenient for your schedule, please communicate that to the office by Monday, February 5.  We will then adjust the schedule accordingly. To contact Mrs. Huxman, please respond to this email or call the office at 316-283-1337. 
Our 11th Annual Fine Arts Competition will be held on Friday, February 9th at 12:30 p.m.  This will be a normal school day for NBCS students, but parents are invited to come at 12:30 to view the performances and art gallery. 

Listed below are the items which are due to the school office by 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, February 7th.
· Judging Forms (with top portion filled out)
· Art Projects
· Art Paperwork (Artist’s Idea Statements, original designs/designs, etc.)
· Copy of speech/music piece (1 copy for each entry)
Please note that we ask all 1st-8th students who are performing to wear a button-up, light-colored, solid top, and dark-colored dress pants, skirt, or dress.  All dresses and skirts should be worn to the middle of the knee. We also ask that all boys wear a tie, if they have one.
Click the image above to download your copy of our February calendar! 
Mark your calendars and save the date - our Open House will be on
Thursday, March 7th, from 6:30-7:30 p.m.
We are anticipating a fun evening with new and current families!
Pictures of the Week
Mrs. Adams provided a yummy Kansas Day lunch for all our students and staff! It is a joy to celebrate our state's birthday each year! 
- - - Wednesday, February 7 - - -
Fine Arts Paperwork & Projects Due

- - - Friday, February 9 - - -
Fine Arts Competition

- - - Thursday, February 15 - - -
Noon Dismissal
Parent Teacher Conferences

- - - Friday, February 16 - - -
Kansas Day Field Trip

- - - Monday, February 19 - - -
No School - President's Day
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