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Newton Bible Christian School
Helping Families Make Disciples of Christ

School Starts at 8:30 a.m.

School Dismisses at 3:30 p.m.


Newton Bible Christian School

900 Old Main St

Newton, KS 67114

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NBCS Memo - October 25

Accreditation Update

At the parent meeting in March of 2023, the school board announced that NBCS was beginning the process of school accreditation with the American Association of Christian Schools. A lot of work has been done since that time, and I want to give you an update on the status of our accreditation. Accreditation requires that we analyze the school based on 12 standards that are important to an educational institution. Each of those 12 standards has a list of indicators that we use to evaluate ourselves during a self-study. We are nearing the completion of the self-study, having written responses as required to each indicator in the 12 standards. There is at least one project related to curriculum that we as teachers will be completing in November. The climax for us will be hosting the accreditation team who will be visiting us February 19-21, 2025. They will be validating our self-study and proposing areas of improvement for us. Accreditation is not only about finding the areas where we excel; it is also an opportunity for us to identify areas where we can grow and improve. 

Would you please partner with us in prayer as we complete our self-study and host the accreditation team? Please pray that through our self-study we would be able to improve the education and discipleship of our students, and please pray that God would be glorified through all of this as we rely on Him.  

If you have questions about accreditation or would like to help us in some way during this exciting process, please let us know! 

As a reminder, there is NO SCHOOL on Monday, October 28th.
Enjoy your three-day weekend!
Our Fall Student Picture Day is Monday, November 4! Have your students come dressed in their best and ready to smile for the camera! Parents, please see your email for an example of this year's background. Your students may dress accordingly, if they wish!
Parents, mark your calendars for Wednesday, November 6th. Instead of normal chapel attire, it will be a causal day so we can coordinate for our all-school picture!

We are asking that each student (and teacher!) wear their blue, gray, or white NBCS shirt and jeans. If you don't have an NBCS shirt, you may wear a solid colored shirt in one of those colors. 
NBCS Band Students (all 5th-8th graders) - click here for your band listening homework for this week!

This homework is due by Thursday, October 31. When you have listened, don't forget to mark it in your listening journal and get your parent's signature! 
We are excited to announce our NBCS Christmas Giving Project! As the cooler weather approaches and thoughts of the holidays enter our minds, there are many families who cannot afford gifts or even household essentials. Would you partner with us to help Hope Women's Center bless these families? 

Please bring your gift or donation to the school office and we will deliver the Christmas presents to Hope Women's Center in November! If you write a check, please make it out to "Hope Women's Center." Thank you!
Pictures of the Week
Happy Plaid Spirit Day! Happy Friday! Happy 3-Day Weekend! 
- - - Monday, October 28 - - -
No School

- - - Monday, November 4 - - -
Student Picture Day

- - - Wednesday, November 6 - - -
All-School Picture & NBCS Wear Day

- - - Thursday, November 14 - - -
Moms in Prayer - 8:30 a.m.

- - - Friday, November 22 - - -
Feast Day
Dress as Pilgrims & Indians

- - - November 25-29 - - -
Thanksgiving Break
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