Times & Directions Give

Newton Bible Christian School
Helping Families Make Disciples of Christ

School Starts at 8:30 a.m.

School Dismisses at 3:30 p.m.


Newton Bible Christian School

900 Old Main St

Newton, KS 67114

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NBCS Memo - January 10

Our NBCS moms will meet together for the first time of 2025 this Thursday, January 16! They will gather at 8:30 a.m. (directly following drop-off) in the church overflow to pray together. 

Megan Wolfenberger has volunteered to lead the prayer time and childcare will be available for younger siblings! We are looking forward to another sweet time of fellowship and encouragement with one another.
We are looking forward to our comfy and cozy day on Friday!
As a reminder, please bring an extra pair of shoes to wear outside and during P.E. times.
This coming weekend is a 3-day weekend! Enjoy your Monday at home while teachers gather at school to prepare for the coming weeks. 
4th-8th grade parents, don't forget that Fine Arts Registration paperwork and fees are due THIS Monday, January 13!

Please take time today to look over the forms and decide how your student(s) would like to be involved. We are excited about the opportunity to compete at NBCS AND in Ottawa this year!
NBCS Band Students (all 5th-8th graders) - click here for your band listening homework for this week! 

This homework is due by Thursday, January 16. When you have listened, don't forget to mark it in your listening journal and get your parent's signature! 
Pictures of the Week
We are so thankful for the three days we had together this week! It is a joy to be reunited with our friends and teachers!

- - - Monday, January 13 - - -
Fine Arts Registration Forms Due

- - - Thursday, January 16 - - -
Moms in Prayer - 8:30 a.m.

- - - Friday, January 17 - - -
Slippers & Sweats Spirit Day

- - - Monday, January 20 - - -
No School - Faculty Work Day

- - - Friday, January 31 - - -
Kansas Day Celebration!
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