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Newton Bible Christian School
Helping Families Make Disciples of Christ

School Starts at 8:30 a.m.

School Dismisses at 3:30 p.m.


Newton Bible Christian School

900 Old Main St

Newton, KS 67114

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NBCS Memo - December 13

To celebrate our last day of school before Christmas break, wear your most festive Christmas colors next Friday! 
School will dismiss early next Friday, December 20th! All full day students will dismiss at noon (half day students will dismiss at their normal time). Christmas break is almost here! 
NBCS Band Students (all 5th-8th graders) - click here for your band listening homework for this week!

This homework is due by Thursday, December 19. When you have listened, don't forget to mark it in your listening journal and get your parent's signature! 
Pictures of the Week
What a wonderful week it has been at NBCS! We are incredibly thankful for all the family and friends who made an effort to support our events this week!

We also want to thank our incredible teachers who worked hard to make these events possible. May God be glorified through these times together!

- - - Friday, December 20 - - -
Red & Green Spirit Day
Christmas Class Parties
Noon Dismissal!
(normal time for half-day students)

- - - December 23-January 3 - - -
Christmas Break

- - - Monday, January 6 - - -
2nd Semester Begins
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